I'm Moving (Websites)!
I am so excited to announce that I have officially moved Sojourner Soul’s entire backlog to my author website: https://www.brittneynickerson
Meaning Through Minimalism
What sits at the bottom of a cardboard box? In 2018, I realized I had too much stuff. More makeup than I would ever use. More books than...
Silverware and 4 Other Things I Keep in my Car
After years of day trips around the state of Maine and beyond, it’s no surprise that I’ve accumulated a lot of things in my car...
I Wrote a Book on my Phone
Okay. I’ll admit it. I’m always on my phone right before bed. I know I shouldn’t be, but what if I told you it was actually a good thing?
Belfast, Maine
It’s a wonder that I haven’t written about Belfast on my blog yet.
Rumford Falls
One day I was sitting on my couch, scrolling through my phone, when I came across an interesting piece of information...
Inspiration and Reflection Through TarotÂ
Future-oriented thinking is essential. I need to be able to plan for tomorrow...
How To Make Salads Taste Good
A little over a year ago, I went on an elimination diet...
Guilt and Productivity
It’s snowing again. I have a completely unfounded expectation that there shouldn’t be snow in April.
Winter Blues
The weather tricked me into believing that we were headed for an early spring...